One accidental kiss. That was all it took to throw Meredyth Summercourt's world upside-down. Determined to marry the ever-elusive Vance Everstone, she simply doesn't have the time or the desire to fall for her friend Lawry Hampton. However, with Vance out of the country and Lawry constantly at her side, Meredyth can’t help but wonder if what’s holding her to Vance is nothing more than a desire to redeem herself from their unfortunate past.
When Vance comes home to stake his claim on Meredyth, will she be strong enough
to break free from the tangled web she’s convinced she deserves? Or will she
find the strength to accept that God’s plan for her life could include
redemption... and quite possibly Lawry Hampton?
I've said it before. . .have not changed my mind . .Dawn Crandall writes a ~ FIRST PERSON POV~ story better than most I've read. Especially in Historical Romance.
Meredyth Sunmercourt is another character, derived out of Dawn Crandall's imagination, but comes to life on the pages of The Bound Heart with depth of personality. Her desires meshed with what she feels she deserves have her tumbling within, but her outward appearance can't help but keep others guessing. Ms Crandall has once more given the reader room to guess without cliche`d twists and turns in her story. An excellent read ~ Another excellent read ~ I would say.
I featured The Hesitant Heiress previously on Journeys To Joy. . .be sure to check the archives for that feature/review.
The Hesitant Heiress released August 12th of this year. You do not want to miss reading that one, either!

A former bookseller at Barnes & Noble, Dawn didn't begin writing until her husband found out about her long-buried dream of writing a book. Without a doubt about someday becoming traditionally published, he encouraged her to quit her job in 2010 in order to focus on writing her first book, The Hesitant Heiress. It didn't take her long to realize that writing books was what she was made to do. Dawn is represented by Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary.
Dawn is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), secretary for the Indiana ACFW Chapter (Hoosier Ink), and associate member of the Great Lakes ACFW Chapter.
Be sure to leave a comment for Dawn Crandall. . .and come back on Friday for another look another look at THE EVERSTONE CHRONICLES ~ Something not posted today.
Thanks for having me on your blog Joy!!!!!! :D
Thanks for joining me. . .I still plan to post something tomorrow. Want to get a good word in there for what's gone before. ';)
Great review Joy!! Love seeing fellow reviewers' blogs! I'm now follower 114! ;)
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