Friday, May 28, 2010


It's that time again. We have a wonderful opportunity as AMERICANS, CHRISTIANS and most of all COMPASSIONATE HUMAN BEINGS to celebrate and remember those who have served or are serving in our Armed Forces; those men and women of Valor, Spirit and Dedication who desire to keep AMERICA FREE.

AMERICA has had millions of men and women who have placed their personal safety in the hands of their brothers and sisters during war-time. They have chosen a path that gives them purpose, direction and honor.

Granted, not every service person who has enlisted plans to go to war, but the other night on the news I was amazed at the number of men and women choosing to put their life on the line to keep FREEDOM possible for AMERICANS and those who believe in democracy.

I want to personally thank my brothers, Vernon and James for their choice to serve. MY brother Vern went to Germany to drive transport for the Army and Jim, also in the Army, went to Viet Nam. My nephew, Jason (Vern's only son) went into the Army before Desert Storm. He was stationed in Germany like his father before him. Although he was to be discharged and was planning for his upcoming trip home a call came through for volunteers, he was one of the very first to say, "I'll go. Where do I sign?"
I am so proud to know I have family members who are/were willing to die for our hard-fought-for freedoms.

For those of you who have served, are serving, who have family members in those categories, or who have paid the ultimate price, it is with deep gratitude and a huge 'Thank you' from the bottom of my Joy-Filled heart!

Joyfully enJoying the freedoms others have earned for me,
Joy Avery Melville

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Joy~Filled Heart

A Joy~Full, good morning to you, my dear readers.

I want to express my gratitude for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the opportunity I have to write for His glory.

A fellow writer saw my need for some help in working with another site and came along side, figuratively speaking, volunteering assistance in the middle of my struggle. She didn't boast her technilogical prowess, she didn't ask for repayment. Instead she offered her time, expertise and most touching of all, a gesture of friendship. How do you value that encouragement and support? I see it as priceless. It may take mere moments, it may take hours, but the generosity and willing heart of someone who chooses to help another rather than selfishly keep her time and projects or knowledge to herself is someone to be commended and is Joy~Fully welcomed.

To be that type of friend is to be prepared by being open to the needs of others; to be observant; to be willing to ignore the self-cost of effort, time and possibly money for the sake of another. Seeking to help a person who could easily be competition is a true mark of a Joy~Filled Spirit extending an open hand of kindness

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness..." - Galatians 5:22 NASB

I experienced just such an example of that kindness last week. I felt supported by her encouraging, selfless act of friendship in a time-consuming task. Not once did I see a hint of restraint from this busy writer and new-found friend.

Joy certainly filled my heart and continues to glow from within.

Thank~You, Jennifer

Joy~fully grateful...

Proverbs 17:22

Friday, May 21, 2010

Welcome to Joy's Joyful-Journaling

I want to welcome followers and readers to my new Joyful-Journal!
It will be my pleasure to write in such a way you'll leave encouraged and uplifted.
I hope you'll come back often.
My first blog/journal posting will be the week of May 23, 2010
Feel free to leave your comments. I only ask you keep your language clean and leave out any sexual innuendos or vulgarities.
Thank you. I sincerely pray you will be blessed for having visited this site.

Joyfully writing to encourage and serve.
Joy Avery Melville