Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Schedule Coming Soon -

Still waiting to hear back from one or more of the authors who have said they are willing to be interviewed and/or have asked to be interviewed for a feature here. Ann Shorey is going to be here on my blog on Tues. 6AM, April 05, 2011 and it's promising to be a wonderful time with this experienced and talented author. Be sure to stop back for a posting of the schedule - waiting to hear from several authors as to the exact dates I can plug their interview. Blessings on all who are celebrating Lent and have chosen to sacrifice something in honor and servitude for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Until next time - Joyfully and gratefully yours, JOY

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Dear readers of-

Joy Avery Melville's JOYFUL~JOURNALING;
Please take note of the upcoming excitement!
I have been privileged to have several authors
who are willing to be,

or have asked to be featured,
on this blog.

By Tuesday, March 29th, I should have the schedule READY and SET to publish here.


I get to begin this series of interview/promotions with author, ANN SHOREY and her book to be released on or near April 1st - "THE DAWN OF A DREAM"
My first male-author interview will be with Eddie Snipes and his book, "I CALLED HIM DANCER" is to be released on or near April 12th.

That's the way it will go; each author promoting a newly or nearly released book.

Penny Zeller's Blog Tour is going stop by here on April 19th, Lord willing with a guest posting.

Are you getting excited yet?
Well, prepare yourself - I have enough enthusisam for what's to come to propel all of us into June.

If, as a writer, you've not taken part in doing influencing for an author, reviewing on sites such as, Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles, Christian Book Distributors, Good-Reads, or doing an interview with one or more of them, you've been missing out on a great time of learning and fellowship. There is are rewards for you, the blog owner, an addition to your readership - your ability to draw others to your site is a huge result to promoting authors.

Personally, I have been rewarded by connections to other areas I have needed to be aware of. God has used several of the authors I've influenced for and interviewed, to further my own career, without me knowing it would be there for me ahead of my commitment with them. I see the opportunities that have opened up from these great connections and am so appreciative of the nudge from the Holy Spirit in directing me to specific authors or in the case of a couple - them to me.

God has blessed me so very much through the contacts I've made in the past year with my membership in American Christian Fiction Writers. What a wonderful group of men and women!

SO, GET READY, GET SET - and I'll Joyfully Go Get The Schedule Ready To Post Next Week!

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

I Have the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down In My Heart - Which JOY?

Remember that old song from Sunday School or Youth Group - way back in the days of the old camp-meeting-type choruses? Of all the songs I can remember from those days, the one most requested when given opportunity to ask for favorites was the song; I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart. I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart - to stay. I'm pretty sure it wasn't so much due to the real message of the song as much as the fun we'd have singing it. You see there were verses added that the lyric writer of old probably hadn't thought of. Verses like; I know the devil doesn't like it but he can sit on a tack, sit on a tack, sit on a tack, I know the. . . Right. You get the idea.

No one ever explained what that meant exactly to have joy down in our hearts, but we took it for granted because we had been in church most of our lives and that song, like so many others, was handed down from teacher to teacher - class to class and I guess we were to just expected KNOW and UNDERSTAND why we had 'joy' in our hearts.

My grandson was here a couple weeks ago, on his usual Tuesday with Nana, and we were singing; I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. After singing it through a couple times, I asked him what that meant and he told me, "Because Nana, your name is Joy and I've got you in my heart." Whoosh! Oh yes, we'd taught him the given names of his parents and grandparents for safety and security reasons, so relating me to the joy in the song was within his scope of understanding.

As gratified as I was at his expression of love for me and as swelled as it made this much older heart of mine, I was nudged by the Spirit to use that opportunity as a teaching moment. I quickly asked the Lord to help me explain to that bright little four-year-old that the song doesn't mean this 'Joy' was in his or my heart but the kind of joy that comes from happiness of having Jesus in our heart. He asked some very good questions, and I could tell he was very close to an understanding of salvation.

Now, as intelligent as my grandson is, and he's pretty smart for a four-year-old, (just ask his Bompa) he didn't quite grasp the concept of how the 'joy' gets into our hearts. That's okay because we have the song to sing that will remind him of our conversation. How do I know? Because I've been asking God to remind him of it whenever that song comes to his mind. And it will. You can be sure I will be singing that song with him for some time to come.

Do you have the joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart? If so, is there someone you know who needs to have that same joy of the Lord explained to them? Don't wait too long to share the song and its meaning with them. We're never too old to sing it or learn it and especially share it.

I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart - Where?
Down in my heart to stay!