Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ada Brownell Brings Something Unique to Journeys To Joy ~ Day Five ~

 Introducing Ada Brownell and something unique to the Journeys To Joy Followers ~

Ada Brownell has chosen to do something a bit different for our week with her. She's brought along the characters from her latest release. 

Come along with me and meet these amazingly developed individuals who make up Ada's novel.  

Post One ~Day Five

From The Lady Fugitive
By Ada Brownell

Profile--Uncle Danforth Schuster—The Judge
The judge is a pompous dome-bellied brute who no longer deserves to be called “Your honor.” The man’s honor chipped away when he began drinking, gambling, rewarding crooks while showing the innocent no mercy. He used a whip on horses and Jenny’s brother, John, and controls every area of Jenny’s life. He’s decided to take a razor strap to her for talking to some young men after one of her performances at the Opera House in Peachville. That likely would make her submissive to him while his wife made a trip to Denver.
The judge knew when Jenny’s father changed his will a few days before dying in a nearby tuberculosis sanitarium that his luck turned. After losing his beautiful home one night in a drunken gambling frenzy, the judge now would have acres of productive peach orchards in addition to a horse ranch and a fully-furnished gorgeous home. Only thing, he needed to keep his brother-in-law's kids around until they were 21, and John already ran off.

Stuart Ripley
(Summary and excerpt)
The urchin who lurked around the stables the previous night had his grimy face against the window, a hand on each side, peeking at William as he dug into his pancakes. Will shoved his chair back with a loud scrape, went to the door, and wiggled his finger at the child. “Come in.”
Shyly the boy, who William estimated to be around age twelve, brought his skinny dirty body toward him.
 “Blanche! You have any more pancakes and bacon back there?”
(Later, Stuart tells William how his parents died of cholera.)
Jenny gripped Stuart’s hand. She smiled at the boy. “Have you seen a calf born?”
“Nope, but I’m ready to.” Excitement pulsed from his dirty face.
“I saw one born not too long ago, and the farmer had to help the cow.”
Maude, the cow named by Valerie, lay on the straw, a low moo flowing from her huge mouth. She was pushing already.
A water sack appeared under Maude’s tail, then broke and fluid squirted. A foot and the calf’s nose followed.
A moo-groan burst from Maude.
Stuart tugged on Jenny’s sleeve, his little face pinched. “She’s sufferin’.”
Jenny patted his head. “I imagine. But it will be over with soon, and we’ll have a happy cow.”
Sure enough, soon the head was out, and then the calf landed behind Maude into the straw.
“Is he dead?”
Maude turned and swiped her baby with her long, wet tongue. The little one shook his head, wobbled, and looked at Mama. The cow licked the calf all over as the tiny critter wiggled about.
Stuart gasped. “He’s alive.”
“Yes.” Jenny laughed. “It’s amazing to me that old girl is giving her baby a bath with the same tongue she picks her nose with.”
“Eeeeeeuuuuu. I think I’m going to vomit.”
“Naw.” Jenny rubbed his hair and dust flew. You’ll be fine. But you can take a hint here. If a Mama cow thinks her baby needs a bath, then I think it might be a good idea for me to suggest one for you.”
“But I don’t have any clean clothes.”
“As soon as we know Maude and the calf are okay, we’re going to town.

BE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT FOR ADA ~ About her Stu and The Judge characters. 

Thank you for stopping by Journeys To Joy ~ May your day be blessed!

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