Introducing Ada Brownell and something unique to the Journeys To Joy Followers ~
Ada Brownell has chosen to do something a bit different for our week with her. She's brought along the characters from her latest release.
Come along with me and meet these amazingly developed individuals who make up Ada's novel.
Post One ~ Day Three
Meet ValerieMacDougal
The Lady Fugitive’s unexpected friend
The doors of the
cellar Jenny found along the way to sleep in creaked open.
“Papa, I need to get a few things out
of my trunk before we go.” The feminine voice had a sense of urgency.
Heart thumping in her chest, Jenny jerked
and slammed the top hat on her head.
The woman, large with child and draped
in a beautiful black dress, jumped.
Jenny mouthed, “Hello,” but no sound
came because of her laryngitis. She shrugged her shoulders, pointed to the
barn, to herself, and moved to get her blankets.
The woman screamed. She jumped up the
steps shrieking.
A man stuck his well-groomed head
around the cellar doors. “What are you doing here?”
Jenny pointed to the barn.
The man glared. “He must be a deaf
mute.” He wiggled his index finger for Jenny to come out.
The two people stared. Jenny moved into
the light, dizzy from the fever, trying to bring them into focus.
“I asked, what are you doing here?” The
man clearly wanted an answer. Jenny opened her left hand and took her right and
pretended to scribble.
The man rubbed his perfectly combed
dark hair with a black glove. “I think this young man wants a pen and paper. I
have it in the buggy. Let me get it. We need an explanation.”
A few moments later, he took off his
gloves and thrust several blank pages of paper toward Jenny along with a quill.
He opened the ink pot.
The man’s brown eyes looked kind.
Jenny dipped the pen and started
I was traveling
through here and became ill. My horse is in the barn. I gave him hay and I ate
a jar of peaches. I’m sorry. I needed a place to lie down for a while before I
continue my journey.
The woman, so large with child Jenny
feared the baby might be born any minute, opened her pretty mouth and laughed.
The woman didn’t believe her!
“Father, this young man may be
the answer to my prayers.”
The man pulled on his perfectly trimmed
mustache. “How?”
“We could leave today, and I could have
this baby in Boston. Mother would be so happy.”
The man wrinkled his forehead. “If my
grandson comes early, you might have him on the train.”
“Indeed. We have no time
to waste.
never want to see this place again, although I hate to leave Christian buried
there on the hill.” Tears pooled in her blue eyes and escaped down her cheeks.
“Either we can hire this young gentleman to take care of the animals, since we
don’t have time to sell them, or we can give everything to him. I never want to
come back here, and I don’t want old Grouch Anderson to have the homestead. He
did nothing but complain to Christian while we lived here, and as soon as we’d
made the five-year requirement to get the deed, he hassled us to sell out.”
Tune in tomorrow for the next introduction. . .
BE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT FOR ADA ~ About her Valerie MacDougal character.
Thank you for stopping by Journeys To Joy ~ May your day be blessed!
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