Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ada Brownell Brings Something Unique to Journeys To Joy ~ Day Two ~

 Introducing Ada Brownell and something unique to the Journeys To Joy Followers ~

Ada Brownell has chosen to do something a bit different for our week with her. She's brought along the characters from her latest release. 

Come along with me and meet these amazingly developed individuals who make up Ada's novel.  

Post One ~ Day Two


By Ada Brownell

(Character profile)
     A difficult to control temper pulsed in William O’Casey, his tall body molded by years of jostling hay bales, digging post holes and sometimes getting into a fist fight. But then William gave his heart to Jesus Christ, and that birthed a new William.
     Before, the temper was easy to blame on his Irish roots that beaconed to one and all from his auburn hair and a sprinkling of freckles across his handsome face and rippling arms. Anger had been the root of most of William’s sin.
     Now, gentleness replaced his former vice and he wanted to tell the world about Jesus. His pa bought one of the first  Passion of the Christ moving pictures from a place in France, but after Ma died, Pa had no heart to travel and show it.  William did, so Pa stayed in Iowa to take care of the farm and sent William to Colorado to show the movie and search for his brother, Benjamin.
      Ben got tired slopping pigs and hoeing corn and took off one day for Colorado. Said he was going to establish a business there. But the family hadn’t heard anything from him in a year.
     A natural for a traveling man, William also peddled household goods, small farm tools, garden and flower seeds, and miscellaneous things people who didn’t live close to a general store needed.
     He first saw Jenny at one of her elocution and singing performances at the Peachville opera house. Her beauty, sense of humor, and bubbly personality caught him right in the heart. He wanted to meet her, and he was surprised when she crashed right into his arms.
Well, not on purpose, he was going in the barn to try to sell some things to her uncle when she ran around the corner and slammed into William, shaking , her eyes wide with fright, and gasping for air. He’d heard a loud conversation coming from the barn, but couldn’t distinguish the words.
     Dressed in her riding outfit she looked just as gorgeous as she did on stage as he held her to keep her from falling.
     When she got her breath, he introduced himself. She thanked and greeted him, but in moments ran to the house. Her uncle was still in the barn and William suspected the man, a judge, had something to do with her actions.
William traveled toward Dandelion Corners that evening, spent the night parked near a customer’s barn, and the next morning took off early. Terrorized screams shot through the cool early morning air.  He found Jenny standing on a cot in an abandoned house. A blast from the gun on his hip took care of the snake, and he discovered she’d ridden all night.
     Tenderly he helped her reach Dandelion Corners safely, riding on his high seat, her horse tied to the back of the wagon.
She must have been driven to leaving. Anger tried to rise up, but he resisted. Instead of sympathy, this gal needed help and someone to love her.
     Lord, send someone to Jennifer.

And this is JUST day two ~ tune in tomorrow for the next introduction. . . 

BE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT FOR ADA ~ About her William O'Casey character.

 Thank you for stopping by Journeys To Joy ~ May your day be blessed!

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