Saturday, September 08, 2012

A Horse With No Name ~ Make That Three~


This is for a HISTORICAL ROMANCE NOVEL - Keep that in mind when you choose a name.


 Kalamazoo County ~ Michigan

A) Hero's horse ~ Young Stallion
B) Heroine's horse~ Young gelding

C) Heroine's Father's horse ~ Gelding

The name ~ CHARGER~ is taken by a different character not allowed again.

IF you already are a follower of my blog ~
    Leave a comment ~ Name one horse
    I will enter your name/the horse's name ONCE
IF you are NOT a follower of my blog ~
     Become one ~
     Leave a comment  ~ Name one horse
     I will enter your name/the horse's name TWICE 

WINNERS (3) receive a historical romance novel 
Be sure to leave your name with the name of the horse or loose eligibility 
DRAWING - Monday evening - Sept. 17, 2012


Great Lakes Romances said...

Hi Joy! Fred says the stallion should be called General Grant because he won the war.
Donna Winters

Dawn M Turner said...

B - Looks like a "Munchkin" to me.

Nothing hitting me at the moment for the other two, but if it does, I'll share. :-) said...

You guys wasted no time.
Thanks so much, Donna - tell Fred his name and the horse's name is in the hat - IF he wins - he'll have to loan you the book. ':D

Dawn - what a cute name - would it be era-appropriate? Hmmmm

You are in there with Munchkin!


Jan Wallace Reber said...

I think you should name the stallion RAnger because Ranger is a leader's name.
Jan Reber said...

Hey there, Jan.

Thanks for stopping by again - sorry you didn't win last time - maybe a horse's name may do it for you this time.

I appreciate the idea and will be sure to get you and Ranger (well, the names, anyway) in the hat. ';D


Carolyn Boyles said...


Carolyn Boyles

Barbara said...

Wow, Kalamazoo! I grew up near there! This will be a story I'll want to read!

I suggest Calypso for the heroine's gelding.

Sally said...

The name that popped into my head was GUARDIAN, so I'll suggest that for the hero's stallion.
But then, I thought of two others. Here they are: LEDGER and CALDRON

Sally Chambers said...

Wow - look at all those names coming in. LOVE IT and THEM!

Thanks so much,

Your names and those of the horses are now entered in the drawing.

That's so cool that you're from this area. I chose to place the novel in Kazoo Cty because there was a HUGE support system for the underground railway - in fact in Schoolcraft, which is the small village where this actually takes place, there is NOW an Underground Railway Museum.
The expressway leading into town from the south has been named (U.S. 131) Underground Railway Memorial Highway.
One of the doctors in the story is an actual resident of Schoolcraft and was the one who headed up the Underground system in this area.

Lots of great historical info available to make my fiction more realistic.

Thanks ladies, for stopping in to leave some additions to the hat!

Angie A. said...

How about Buck for the buckskin? It may be a bit obvious, but I used to ride a Buck back in the day. Gus for the sorrel (although I think they called them "reds" back then) and Alonzo (a nod to LIttle House) for the bay.

Fun contest, Joy! said...

Good afternoon, Angie;
So glad to see you at journeystojoy.
I'll add your name and those UNIQUE names to the hat.';D

I appreciate those ideas. You got to ride a buck? Super.
I rode a cantankerous Ap and she was HUGE.

Can't wait to see what names pop out of that hat on the 17th.

Kathleen Rouser said...

I don't know much about horses, but here goes some
naming ideas:

A) Valiant
B) Copper
C) Cavalier

Fun idea for a contest! Thanks for the opportunity.


Janet said...

Elan, Elf, Strut said...

Thank you, Kathy and Janet.
Some good names.

I'll have them in the hat in a few seconds.
Interesting choices!

Be watching for winner announcement on Monday night or Tuesday morning Sept 17 or 18, 2012.

Jaime Wright said...

"Harrison" for the Father's Gelding - after Kalamazoo County's first white settler.

The hero's horse looks like a "Titus" to me. Or "Apollo".

The heroine's gelding - "Keegan" said...

VERY GOOD RESEARCH on your part, Jaime!
Will get those names and yours in the hat!

Thanks so much for contributing!
Hugs, said...

Kathy R;

I see you became a FOLLOWER when you submitted your horse names.

THAT got you entered TWO times in the drawing.

Thank you for your submissions!

Pegg Thomas said...

The stallion looks a bit like my son's horse, named Cash. The young gelding reminds me of a horse I had many-many moons ago named Dusty. Never had a buckskin like the father's horse... but Buck always works for one that color. :)

Southern-fried Fiction said...

Het girl! Okay, I have some off-the-wall names, but then, you'd expect that.

Hero's: Kudzu because he's unstoppable
Heroine's: Sassafras,because he looks sassy and saucy
Father's: Mr. Lincoln because he looks proud

;o) said...

So glad you came by - you should be right on top with your names - will see you and your names get placed in the hat for the Monday evening drawing.

YES, I'd expect that - always unique - always interesting and there's a possibility I'll be able to say ALWAYS a winner?

Thanks ladies,
I appreciate your contribution to the effort -

Jane Simerman said...

Hi Joy,

What about:

A: Thunder
B: Joey
C: Old Gray

Thanks! This was a fun contest. Love the horses. Jane said...

Hello, Jane;
I see you've become a follower -
I'm placing your name and the names you've chosen for the horses in the hat TWICE for the drawing of one of those three books I've got sitting here for three blessed winners.

Thanks for stopping in!

Janet said...

Just tuning in to see if you've selected and posted winners to the horse naming contest and book give-away. Nothing yet? said...


I messed up - when I chose MONDAY night for drawing night -

My dh has been working our county fair for his boss of the day job.

He's been getting home extremely late and shoving a hat under his nose to ask him to draw three pieces of paper - well
Not conducive to marital bliss. ':)

SO -
He's SUPPOSED to be here for supper tonight - IF SO - the drawing will be held this evening - in just a couple hours - and I WILL POST THE RESULTS - ALSO
I'll need personal email addresses to let each winner know personally.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE - this is the first drawing I've done where my readers cared enough about the results to email me and ask - I've had several queries this time.
Until later,
Joy said...





ALTHOUGH choosing names like BUCK or BAY or DUSTY OR GOLDY would have made this easier - I find myself always looking for the more unusual monikers. ')

You've helped me with some very DIFFERENT labels to go with those more obvious ones - THANK YOU.

My choices were difficult to make with ALL of those unique names to choose from BUT - since the story is underway - I MUST MAKE DECISIONS -

Last contest - Name the Pooch
since he's a cattle dog and has to herd those beefies - he's going to pretend he's rustling cattle (I know - a bit of a stretch - hey - it's fiction - right?

This contest - Name Three Horses
It's important that a working horse be called by a SHORT name - might have a very long registered name or something special, but, when working or when the owner needs to call his horse quickly - it's imperative they have a short given name - that made this an even harder job for me.

I think the most difficult choice for me was A- the stallion -


A) Hero's Stallion - RANGE RIDER -
A play off the name - RANGER and I need to thank JAN WALLACE REBER for that contribution

B) Heroine's Gelding - Sassafras - SASSY - SASS - and he is full of all that - thank you, ANE MULLIGAN

C) CASH - Thank you, PEGG THOMAS

Jane Simerman said...

Hi Joy,
Thank you so much! I'm so glad to win one of your books! :) said...

You're welcome, Jane.
I'm going to need your snail mail address in order to mail your book to you.

Please email it to my personal email address.

Angie A. said...

Thanks so much, Joy! Too cool that you drew my name and looking forward to my book.

And love the names you chose for your horses! Great choices.


Angie said...

You are so welcome.
I have your contact information, Angie and will get your book out to you yet this week.

Be sure to check for our next drawing - one never knows what I'm going to be looking for to send someone a book. ';D

HUGS right back,

Sally said...

Thanks for an unusual and fun contest to watch, Joy. Everyone came up with such interesting and appropriate names. Especially liked Sassafras/Sassy said...

LEAVE IT TO ANE MULLIGAN to have a SUPER good name for the heroine's horse - it's very fitting.

Her father has taught the horse a couple of special tricks - one is to give the heroine an opportunity to get BACK on the horse should she get thrown or fall for some reason - something very difficult to do in a dress with NO mounting block - so her very sweet and smart Papa devised a way for the horse to HELP her mount when she's without a mounting block or assistance from another person.

Range Rider (Range) is a very special horse too - saved his owner's life AFTER the Civil War.

NOW to get that book done!

Kathleen Rouser said...

Glad you found the names you needed, Joy!



Jane Simerman said...

Hi Joy, I received my book in the mail, "Love Finds You in Groom Texas." Thanks so much! It's just what I needed. I'll have lots of fun reading it. :) Jane