Wednesday, February 22, 2012

~New Release~ Because Of Me ~ by Fay Lamb

Come  meet FAY LAMB ~ debut author of ~ BECAUSE OF ME ~

Fay Lamb works as an acquisition/copyeditor for Pelican Book Group (White Rose Publishing and Harbourlight Books), offers her services as a freelance editor, and is an author of Christian romance and romantic suspense. Her emotionally charged stories remind the reader that God is always in the details. Because of Me, her debut romantic suspense novel is soon to be released by Treble Heart Books/Mountainview Publishing.

Fay has a passion for working with and encouraging fellow writers. As a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), she co-moderates the large Scribes’ Critique Group and manages the smaller Scribes’ critique groups. For her efforts, she was the recipient of the ACFW Members Service Award in 2010.

In 2012, Fay was also elected to serve as secretary on ACFW’s Operating Board.

Fay and her husband, Marc, reside in Titusville, Florida, where multi-generations of their families have lived. The legacy continues with their two married sons and five grandchildren.

Because of Me

Issie Putnam’s life took a detour the night she was raped at gunpoint in front of her fiancĂ©, Michael Hayes. Instead of marrying Michael, a promising young investigative reporter, Michael, along with the man who attacked her, and the man who held the gun on Michael, are imprisoned for conspiracy to assassinate the local district attorney—a crime Michael was trying to expose but had no intention of committing. Issie’s name is ruined, she lost her perfectly-planned future, but she gained Cole, her son—born of that rape.

On the eve of her attacker’s parole, Michael, already released from prison, follows through on his plan to return to the small town of Amazing Grace and protect Issie from the madman who promised to seek revenge. There, he meets Issie’s seven-year-old son for the first time.

Can Michael learn to love the child Issie holds so close to her heart? Will Michael be able to protect the woman he loves from the man who will stop at nothing to destroy them all?

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BLOGGER NOTE:There have been some great and God-directed things that have happened to me since I joined ACFW in 2010 but one of the most recent and inspiring things was when God led me to write to Fay Lamb about getting information to help in my new role as our ACFW Great Lakes Chapter Critique Coordinator. Not only was she helpful in that but was so open to having me contact her again. I did that when I 'thought' I was ready for another critique partner of my own. God had other plans at that particular time for our connection and over the course of the last six months I've come to love and appreciate Fay and her amazing gift of story telling.

BECAUSE OF ME - is only the beginning to this wonderful ministry/career Fay has embarked on. I HIGHLY recommend this book to my readers/followers and I might suggest you not read it just before going to sleep if you have a tendency toward wild dreams. This book is not for the faint at heart as it deals with very realistic incidences and issues. But the message - oh - SO worth the reading of this great story of enduring love.

Fay; Thank you for entrusting me with your amazing book and for allowing me the privilege of introducing it to those who follow JourneysToJoy

May God richly bless your writing and the sales of this terrific book!


Anonymous said...

Joy: Thank you for your encouraging words, and for your review of Because of Me. You're a treasure.

Jennifer said...

We all love Fay! And all her books...soon to be published, yes! said...

That's for sure, Jennifer!
Fay has some great stuff coming!

Linda Glaz said...

Whoa, does this sound awesome!

Pegg Thomas said...

Fay has been such a sweetheart helping a newbie like me on Scribes. :) I look forward to reading her book! said...

You do NOT want to miss out on this one - I just want to tell you - it's not a book you'll forget right away and the characterizations are compelling!

Fay IS a great mentor, isn't she? Her humility is pretty amazing too. I love her muchly! ';D