Still, being on that train, watching the Texas landscape go by, made me realize one thing: I want to travel. And not just here in my home state, but every state. And maybe every country too. Why, I saw a travel magazine on the train that talked of truly wonderful places across the ocean. Castles in England, ruins in Rome, pyramids in Egypt—even places in Palestine where Jesus walked. I want to see it all, but I have to take care of my family first.
When I first stepped on the train, I just knew I’d find a marvelous job in a town this size. Why, they have two hotels here, and two saloons and even a library. But after carrying my bag all over town and getting turned down time after time for even the most menial labor—laundry! Who doesn’t need a laundress?—I decided to seek employment in one of the saloons. I was just about to enter the establishment when the handsomest man I’ve ever seen stepped out. Said his name was Cal Stephens. Best thing that ever happened to me, running into Cal Stephens . . .
First time I saw Miss Eva Knowles, her blond hair was already slippin’ from her bonnet, and she held on to her carpetbag like it were the onliest thing givin’ her life. I’d just come to town from the cattle drive and looked rougher’n a old hound dog, and prob’ly smelled just as bad when she barged right into me. I knew then she was special, but nobody’d look at a cattlebum fresh from the trial.
Lucky me, I got to run into her again soon after my Saturday bath. Silly girl was tryin’ to get a job at the saloon. Long story short, I bought her a meal at the Harvey House Restaurant and told her she oughta get a job with there. Them Harvey Girls get a good deal, you ask me. Room ’n’ board and wages to boot. Great howlin’ coyotes. Can’t pass up a job like that.
Eatin’ with her at a nice restaurant got me to thinkin’ I need a good woman in my life. I ain’t been much for sparkin’. Too busy tryin’ to earn enough money to go see the world. Ma and Pa left me and my two sisters a little money—enough to give us a stake in just ’bout anythin’ we’d want to do. But for me to do it all in style took a bit more. I been scrimpin’ and savin’ my wages from the Rolling Oak Ranch so long, I never thought how good it would be to have a wife at my side.
Miss Eva’s purtier’n any woman I ever seen, and she’s really sweet. But I reckon with her needin’ to take care of her family back home, she ain’t too interested in sparkin’ right now. That’s right fine, though. I can wait . . .
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Our Story Title: Loving a Harvey Girl
A novella included in the Smitten Historical Romance collection The Cowboys, with Jennifer Uhlarik, Cindy Ervin Huff, and Sandra Merville Hart
Our Story Genre: Historical Romance
Our Story Releases: August 15, 2019
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The Author of Our Story: Linda W. Yezak
Linda W. Yezak lives with her husband and their funky feline, PB, in a forest in deep East Texas, where tall tales abound and exaggeration is an art form. She has a deep and abiding love for her Lord, her family, and salted caramel. And coffee—with a caramel creamer. Author of award-winning books and short stories, she didn't begin writing professionally until she turned fifty. Taking on a new career every half century is a good thing.
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WHERE can the book be purchased?
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Linda Yezak is willing to gift
a winner a signed copy of
Loving a Harvey Girl ~ The Cowboys Collection
They've just been ordered!
Loving a Harvey Girl ~ The Cowboys Collection
They've just been ordered!
Be sure to let Joy Avery Melville ( know where you can be reached, should you win!
Thanks for hosting me, Joy. I hope your readers like Eva and Cal!
I've always loved stories centered around the Harvey Girls. Congrats, Linda.
Really enjoyed the interview, Linda. Looking forward to reading your newest novel. Congratulations!
Thank you, Jodie!
Me, too! I’m fascinated with the history of the Harvey Girls. Thanks for sharing your character’s pre-story!
This sounds excellent.
Thank you, Stacy, Jarm, and Heidi. It was fun learning about the Harvey Girls and creating my own story for them. This is my first historical romance, and I got a real kick out of writing it.
Linda -
What fun!
Thanks for bringing your Eva Knowles and Cal Stephens to visit and share some about their STORIES BEFORE THE STORY
I appreciate your participation in the blog this week so very much - and for allowing us a glimpse of the first of two stories that appear on my blog.
CONGRAT-YOU-LATIONS to our winner of a signed winner of THE COWBOYS!
JODIE WOLFE - You will be receiving a signed copy from LINDA YEZAK soon!
This book releases August 15th!
Thank you for participating, everyone! And congrats to Jodie Wolfe!!! I hope you enjoy the stories in the collection. They're all stellar!
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