Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Is There Such A Thing As ALMOST AMISH?

READ this delightful book recently released by Kathryn Cushman ~ ALMOST AMISH ~ and find out whether or not there IS such a thing!

Kathryn (Katie) Cushman has written a tale that will give those who love Amish Fiction something to THINK  about.

I don't want to give the story away but let's just say - modern meets simple and sparks fly upward!

If that doesn't whet your appetite - suffice it to say - more than one person learns something about REAL LIFE and TRUE LVIING in this terrific story.

Kathryn has written scenes that trigger the senses - HOT summer nights - NO running water - NO indoor plumbing - oh yes - Woodburning cookstoves - INSIDE in this heat and humidity - try washing your clothes with a HAND wringer washer (I have- have you?)

If you're living in a drought-stricken area as I am this summer - this book will have you believing YOU ARE LIVING ALMOST AMISH!

Thanks, Katie, for writing such a good story and for allowing me to promote it here at Journeys To Joy

Let us know when the next one is out - I'll be sure to tell all about it!


Jaime Wright said...

Great post, Joy! :)

journeystojoy.net said...

Thanks, Jaime!

Next one coming - TUES August 14, 2012 - FREE BOOK AVAILABLE -


Diane Dean White said...

Sounds wonderful. I know it's a story so I don't have to worry about the lack of all that we've become used to. Souds like a good read, Katie!

Rick Barry said...

Sounds like a fun twist on an Amish story. I'm sure my wife (and my mom) would love it!

journeystojoy.net said...

Hey there, Rick.
I'm sure they would too.

Stop by tomorrow and check out the SURPRISE post - two chances to win a book - I'll have two to give away - one for a commenter of a current follower and one to someone who becomes a follower and leaves a comment - I'm thinking your wife and/or mom would like the books I'm going to be offering tomorrow - ';D