She made it ~ She's here ~ and yes, She brought Kaydie with her! What a morning this has been, but gracious, loving, Penny - my dear friend - has given me such encouragement, made the morning sing with some laughter after the tears!
Give a huge JOY~ FILLED welcome to Penny A. Zeller - multi~talented and multi~published author:
Thank you for stopping by on your busy blog tour ~ thank you for bringing Kaydie with you! How about a brief bio to introduce you better than I can?
Author Penny Zeller is the author of several books and numerous magazine articles in national and regional publications. She is also the author of the humor blog
She is an active volunteer in her community, serving as a women's Bible study small-group leader and co-organizing a women's prayer group. Penny devotes her time to assisting and nurturing women and children into a closer relationship with Christ. Her passion is to use the gift of the written word that God has given her to glorify Him and to benefit His kingdom. Kaydie follows McKenzie in Montana Skies, her first series with Whitaker House. When she's not writing, Penny enjoys spending her time with her family and camping, hiking, canoeing, and playing volleyball. She and her husband, Lon, reside in Wyoming with their two children. Penny loves to hear from her readers at her website,
Joy, Thank you so much for allowing me to be a guest on your blog.
I'd like to ask you some questions about you, your writing and of course, your latest release ~ Kaydie ~What type of work did you do before you were a writer?
I have worked in the past in a branch of social services as a counselor. I have also worked as a legal assistant, bank teller, retail clerk, aerobics instructor, bookkeeper and administrative assistant. My favorite jobs of all are being a wife to my husband Lon and a mom to our two children. I love being a writer and I feel blessed and humbled that God has called me to write.
What writing goal have you set for yourself that would be the most rewarding to achieve?
My ultimate goal is that a reader's life would be impacted for Christ through one of my books.
I need to apologize here to Penny and to my readers.
This post was to have published by 6AM on April 19th.
Due to problems with picture uploading (not sure why)
What lessons have you learned through the publication process that you wouldn't have guessed as a pre-published writer?
That the hardest work comes after the book is published.
Any funny family stories about living with a writer?
Actually, yes! One evening, I sat perched on the staircase in our house, watching for my husband, Lon, to come home from work. He was scarcely through the front door when I began tugging on his arm.
"Is everything ok, Pen?" he asked me. After 18 yeas of marriage, he knows about my exuberant, creative, and at times, far-fetched personality.
"Yes, yes, it's fine. I can't wait for you to meet Lucille Granger!"
"What? Lucille Granger?" Lon looked at me. "Do we have company?"
I shook my head and laughed while leading Lon up the stairs and into my office. When he saw me point for him to sit in the blue, "guest" chair in the office, he nodded his head knowingly. He'd been in the blue "guest" chair many times before. Yep, it was making sense to him now - Lucille Granger wasn't someone visiting for dinner. She was secondary character in all three books in my Montana Skies Series!
Oh, that is a memory for the archives. I don't have a "guest" chair in my library/office. I'd be tempted to use it instead of working at my desk. ;) So tell us, Penny, If someone gave you $5,000 to spend on anything you wanted, what would you buy? (No saving or gifts to charities allowed!)
No charities, savings or gifts? What about paying bills? *grins* Wow! That's a hard question. Hmmmm. . . I would take my family on a vacation or buy my husband flying lessons, since it's always been a dream of his to learn how to fly. And if there's any money leftover, I'd probably buy a cute new outfit since I love clothes!
Okay, here's a different subject ~ What is your favorite verse in the Bible?
I have two: Psalm 19:14 and Psalm 91
What event in the Bible would you like to be at? It can be in the past or in the future.
That's a great question, Joy! I can't narrow it down to one event. I would say that it would have to be a three-way tie between the days of Creation, Jesus' birth, and the Transfiguration.
Penny, your most recent release is a historical fiction romance, titled Kaydie. Do you write novels exclusively?
No, I have also written two nonfiction books and a children's picture book. However, historical romance is my favorite genre to write. :D
Kaydie was released just this month and is Book 2 in your Montana Skies Series. Can you please give us a brief synopsis?
I am thrilled about the release of Kaydie. A short synopsis is as follows: Since the death of her abusive husband, Kaydie Kramer's life has been easier but she's wary of men and builds a wall of protection around her, staying with her sister McKenzie as she awaits the birth of her baby. Haunted by her painful marriage, Kaydie is determined never to fall in love again, and it will take the grace of God to change her mind-the same grace that works in the heart of ranch hand, Jonah Dickenson, a confirmed bachelor who has unhealed wounds of his own to overcome. Cindy Sproles produced a fantastic book trailer for Kaydie, which can be viewed at

Where can readers purchase a copy of Kaydie?
Kaydie is available everywhere books are sold, including Amazon at
What do you hope your readers will get out of the story?
Writing is my ministry and I hope my readers will get from Kaydie - and all of my novels - the power of God's love, redemption, hope, and forgiveness. And that God can and does change hearts.
Penny, what's up next for your readers?
I just finished the third and final book in the series, Hailee, which is scheduled for release in September. I'm also working on a second historical romance series that takes place in the Post-Civil War Era. I recently finished book one in the series and have started writing book two.
Where can fans find you on the internet?
I love to connect with my readers at my website:
my blog:
Any parting comments before you leave us for your next stop?
First, I would like to again thank you, Joy, for having me as a guest.Second, I would like to let everyone know that my official blog tour for Kaydie is from April 1 - May 15. I will have all the details (including a chance to win Hailee, the third book in the series) on my FB author page, so be sure to stop by!
Hear that, Penny?
It's the beating of the fingers against keys on the computer keyboards as our readers rush to get that chance!
It has been my sincere pleasure to have been invited by Penny to guest on her own blog this month and to have had the privilege of becoming an influencer and reviewer for Kaydie and Lord willing, I might get another opportunity to promote
Penny Zeller's work. She is a fine Christian first, great mother two those precious little ones and of course, a wonderful wife but you know, God put some very nice talent in that little package called Penny and has allowed her to write for Him as well. May God bless you, Penny as you continue to serve Him with your written words and your very real heart of love for the souls of others.
I need to apologize here to Penny and to my readers.
This post was to have published by 6AM on April 19th.
Due to problems with picture uploading (not sure why)
I am so sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, my faithful readers.
It also appears that the spacing refuses to be saved as I planned and the colors have been changing as well. It would be interesting if it wasn't so ANNOYING!
It also appears that the spacing refuses to be saved as I planned and the colors have been changing as well. It would be interesting if it wasn't so ANNOYING!
I want to thank you for coming today. I especially want to tell you how very much I appreciate your friendship, your gracious attitude when the blog and it's author seem to be out of sync.
Kaydie was a special book and I HAD to put it on my keeper shelf in my personal library. I have granddaughters coming up that will enjoy your books and McKenzie has been gracing the shelf just waiting for Kaydie and of course, Hailee! That's a must-have on my list too!
Joy ~
What a blessing it is to be on your blog today!You are such a gracious host and I appreciate your friendship as well. I am honored that Kaydie is on your keeper shelf!
I look forward to the day when I may host you and your new book on my blog and return your kind favor. :)
Great interview. Thanks for sharing your writing life, Penny. And thanks for providing this through your blog, Joy.
Eddie Snipes
President of the Christian Authors Guild
Author of I Called Him Dancer
How nice of you to drop back by and for your nice comments.
guess what Joy's Joy~Ful Journal is going to do in June?
Okay, so you give up! Well, Joy's got an idea to do a Spring~Blog~Fest Summary and I'm going to bring all of you who so kindly submitted to my inquisitions and one extra lined up for a book blurb, book cover, author head shot and maybe each of your bios for one of the Tues in June. I'll get back with you about it but that's pretty much the scoop - Be ready to check it out! Blessings, Eddie on this Resurrection Weekend and celebrations! Joyfully grateful for your support of this blog!
Thank you, Eddie, for stopping by Joy's blog and for your kind comments. Joy is such a blessing and I so appreciate her willingness to help promote other writers.
Penny Zeller
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